From Simple Messaging to Social Media Features

Thu Sept 28 2023


Removing some stuff

$ rm -rf meta all

Intro -monopoly products

Monopoly is good, but only if you are on the side of the monopoly, not on the customer/product side.

Every new update changes the original product!

Selling APIs to businesses, which will eventually result in spamming my WhatsApp, and I detest irrelevant things in my inbox. Indirectly, I will become a victim of ads and the Mere-Exposure Effect.

The newly added channel feature and communities. The communities and following channels are nothing less than a social media site. I'm sorry to say that my ideas do not align with pointless discussions, and I have no interest in sharing my mobile number with anybody at any cost.

The WhatsApp status feature. I have no patience for people sharing foolish things. I have often heard people discussing nonsense, and I can't listen to something that doesn't make sense. I have frequently seen and heard people talking about irrelevant things, and they came to know about it from nowhere but one of Meta's products.

Big Brother can keep an eye on you. It is not uncommon for corporations to share data with government agencies. Data is now more valuable than crude oil.

WhatsApp has started making its mark in every corner of the world, and now that they have introduced channel features, it has become even easier to spread nonsense, propaganda, political views, and soon, ads.

Unlike other social media sites, WhatsApp is even more serious because there's no anonymity on WhatsApp. This was acceptable when it was just a messenger app, but now that it has introduced channel features, it has surpassed all others.

Monetization and greed is not bad, but

Thank you for reading this.